Instrumentation Courses

What is Instrumentation courses?

Without instrumentation, an automated system is more like a human without sense organs. As a living entity, we understand how critical it is for our senses to function properly and provide us with reliable data on a variety of criteria.

We can listen, touch, taste, smell, and see objects, and we use a mixture of these senses in our brain to respond appropriately in situations. Similarly, it is understood that in an automated industry, we must programme various tools such as the PLC (brain), SCADA / HMI (which assists in monitoring), VFD (which assists in carrying out a direct process), and so on, but in order for them to respond based on the situation, they must receive precise feedback from the field.

Today, we can find instruments in the home as well as at the workplaces. This was made possible because of the science of instrumentation. In the scientific sense instruments are defined as the science and art of measuring and controlling processes within an industrial or manufacturing sector.

The key process variables utilized in the industry include Level pressure, temperature Humidity, Flow Force, Speed, pH and so on. The advancement in science has opened the world of engineering instrumentation. Automation is the new buzzword in the process industry as well as automation being the main task of control and instrumentation engineers. Therefore, the need for automation and instrumentation will be always there.
Build a Career with Instrumentation Course

As an engineer in control and instrumentation (C&I engineer) you’ll advance through your career generally gaining specific knowledge in a particular industry or area of C&I knowledge. You could pursue professional registrations like integrated engineer (IEng) or chartered engineer (CEng) in accordance with the level of education you have and it can assist in the advancement of your career.
In higher-level positions, you can manage a team or testing programs. The most senior positions have the highest degree of accountability and often involve managing and planning tasks, in addition to managing new development. Senior engineers working in the production and operations functions can frequently be directors at the board level.
Learn from Experts in the Industry

Instrumentation Courses

Diploma/Certification In Process Control And Instrumentation (Duration 6 months / 3 months) course provided by SMEClabs will help the student to understand the Designing, Installation, Calibration and internal structure of all instruments that are used in measuring parameters related to electronics and also difference between analog meters and digital meters and their performance characteristics.

Certificate in Industrial Automation Course is designed for experts in industrial automation technology robotics technology, instrumentation and mechatronics technology. Through hands-on and didactic training sessions, students will learn how to utilize control systems that can be programmed, such as variable Frequency Drives, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and other robotics-related devices in a manufacturing or industrial setting.
Trending Instrumentation courses

PG Diploma in Industrial Instrumentation (PGDII)
Diploma in Calibration & Design Engineering (DCDE)
Certified Instrumentation Engineer (CIE)
Calibration & Instrumentation ( C &I)
Computerised Instrumentation & Process Control engineering
Instrumentation QA-QC


An instrumentation course is a program that teaches students about the design, development, and use of instruments for measurement, monitoring, and control of industrial processes. It covers various topics such as sensors, transducers, signal conditioning, data acquisition, and control systems.

The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of instrumentation, including the selection and application of appropriate instruments for a particular process. It also involves hands-on training in the use of various instruments and software tools used in industrial automation.

The course is typically offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels in engineering disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering. It prepares students for careers in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, manufacturing, and power generation.

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